Cursos educativos europeus (ILAE/CEA)

Pode ver a listagem dos cursos e conferências com todos os detalhes neste link.

Os cursos e conferências disponíveis para inscrição são:

– European Advanced Epilepsy Surgery Course

Brno, Rep. Checa (22-26/1/2013)

– 4th Training Course in Stereo-EEG

Lyon, França (12-16/2/2013)

– 4th London-Innsbruck Colloquium on Status Epilepticus and Acute Seizures

Salzburgo, Áustria (4-6/4/2013)

– A Comprehensive Course on Epilepsy – Medical and Social Aspects

Tashkent, Uzbequistão  (17-21/4/2103)

11th San Servolo Course on Brain Exploration and Epilepsy Surgery

Veneza, Itália (14-25/7/2013)

– 7th Baltic Sea Summer School for Epilepsy (BSSSE7)

Estónia (18-23/8/2013)

– 1st International Neuropathology Summer School for Epilepsy Surgery (INES)

Erlangen, Alemanha (16-20/9/2013)

Treatment of Epilepsy (5thEilat Edu)

Jerusalém, Israel (30/9-6/10/2013)

– 7th Migrating Course on Epilepsy

Nicosia, Chipre (3-9/11/2013)