IEC 2025: Abstracts now open!

Agosto 30 - Setembro 5
A carregar Eventos
Estimados Colegas e Amigos,
Venho relembrar que o próximo Congresso Internacional de Epilepsia (IEC 2025) será em Lisboa, de 30 de Agosto a 5 de Setembro de 2025. Como capítulo anfitrião, a LPCE comprometeu-se a participar ativamente neste congresso e não poderá realizar o seu Encontro Nacional no próximo ano.
Tal como vos referi, na última assembleia geral, penso que esta é uma excelente oportunidade para apresentarmos e discutirmos os nossos trabalhos e ainda aprendermos com os melhores. A submissão de resumos já abriu! Vamos a isso?
Conto com os trabalhos e a presença de todos no IEC 2025!
Um abraço amigo,

Carla Bentes

Abstract submission for the IEC is now open!

You have the opportunity to share your latest findings with the Global community and be considered for an oral or poster presentation during IEC 2025, Lisbon.

The Scientific and Organising Committee encourages all researchers and practitioners from around the globe to contribute to the programme by submitting abstracts for poster or oral presentation at the congress.

Deadline: 24 January 2025

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ILAE Mentor-Mentee Programme

The ILAE Mentor-Mentee programme involves the allocation of a mentor to a trainee.

Applications for the mentor-mentee programme are only available through the congress abstract submission system and applicants must submit an abstract to the congress in order to be eligible to apply for the programme.

If selected, the trainee will be allocated a mentor, an experienced individual in the research/clinical area in which the trainee demonstrates an interest and will have the opportunity to meet with their mentor, as well as to listen to further individuals established in their careers in different regions of the world. The mentor will arrange to attend the trainee’s presentation/poster and to further consultations.

Participants in the ILAE Mentor-Mentee Programme do not receive any support to attend the congress.

*Please note that the applicant must submit an abstract to the congress in order to be eligible to apply for the programme. 

Deadline: 24 January 2025

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IEC 2025 Harinarayan Award Information

The Harinarayan Young Neuroscientist Award of the ILAE Neurobiology Commission is designed to reward young basic science investigators (within 10 years of completing PhD or MD training) who submit an abstract to the International Epilepsy Congress.

The Award is generously supported by a donation of the Harinarayan Family. Candidates are selected by the members of the ILAE Neurobiology Commission. The Prize will be acknowledged during the Welcome Ceremony and will be awarded during the Neurobiology Symposium.

Applications will only be accepted from those who also submit an abstract.

Deadline: 24 January 2025

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Apply for a bursary

In order to encourage young researchers to participate in the congress, bursaries will be awarded to a number of applicants who have submitted an abstract to the congress that stands out for its scientific quality.

Bursary awards assist awardees with costs to attend the congress.

Applications for bursaries will only be accepted from those who also submit an abstract and application is made via the abstract submission system.

Deadline: 24 January 2025 

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Agosto 30
Setembro 5
Categorias de Evento:


International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE)
View Organizador Website


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